The Smart Metrics Solution

Where You Are Now

Executive Dashboard


Smart Metrics™ Executive Dashboard provides utility executives with a unique set of “eyes” into the enterprise; in essence, Smart Metrics™ tells you “Where You Are Now.” The Smart Metrics™ implementation team will connect the data from across the utility into meaningful intelligence on your dashboard.

Smart Metrics™ is an out-of-the-box business intelligence solution comprised of over 200 utility-centric metrics that can provide visibility into key business and operational functions specific to your utility in a matter of days. These metrics are embraced by major national water and wastewater associations.

Where You Are Going



Having intelligence on current performance from the Executive Dashboard is a powerful business tool. Make it even more powerful with the integration of benchmarking to help you and your management team visualize “Where You Are Going.” Integrated into the Executive Dashboard, OneView™ Benchmarking leverages a proprietary database of utility operating statistics enabling peer-to-peer, segment, and industry-wide comparisons.

How To Get There

Performance Consulting


With a clear picture of current performance and a vision for future performance, Smart Metrics™ Performance Consulting will work with you to build the path to guide your organization to significant, measurable performance improvement. A Smart Metrics™ Certified Partner will leverage the intelligence from your Smart Metrics™ solution to craft a program that will help you achieve your business goals across the enterprise. Smart Metrics™ Certified Partners have a mix of specialties to help you with your specific needs from Operations & Maintenance to Customer Care to Engineering and more.